Cooperation Programme Interreg VA
«Greece-Cyprus 2014-2020»
The Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A «Greece – Cyprus 2014-2020» (CCI 2014TC16RFCB055) was approved by the European Commission at 27.07.2015 (Decision C(2015) 5319). Total available budget 64.560.486 € from which 54.876.411 € from ERDF.
The Programme aims to:
1. Enhance the competitiveness of the eligible area, support the entrepreneurship and the use of ICT
2. Address energy, climate change and transport issues, through the promotion of low carbon emissions economy
3. Prevent natural disasters, promote natural and cultural heritage as well as technologies for the protection of natural resources.
4. Financial priorities
The Priority Axes of the Programme are:
1. Enhancement of competitiveness and entrepreneurship in the cross-border area
2. Energy efficiency and sustainable transport.
3. Conservation and protection of environment and risk prevention
4. Technical Support